Welcome to the Frontier of Digital Innovation

Navato could become a billion-dollar conglomerate. Investing in Navato could be ten times better than buying lands and houses.

Our Vision

To serve Awka, Anambra, Southeast Nigeria, Nigeria, Africa and the world, generating wealth and making positive impact through innovations in education, business and technology.

Our Mission

To accelerate the transformation of the education sector, beginning in Africa. To boost the quality, quantity and desirability of African digital products and services.

We believe we can change the African narrative from one of poverty, unemployment and under-employment to a prosperous and self-sufficient Nation.


Our Projects

Modular design is our strategy. Cash-flow is our fuel.

Hands-on tech education for kids and teens.


Results-driven tech education and skills acquisition.

CodeKing Academy

Innovative marketing stragtegies and solutions for businesses and personal brands.


Research and development: software and hardware products, modules and services

Navato Labs

Harness the goodness of digital learning. Simplify the learning experience.


One solution: Auth, direct messaging, chat rooms, feeds and more.


We aim to grow our business by deploying resources effectively and generating revenue. Our roadmap provides a clear plan for achieving this goal.

Read our letter

Our Team

Every successful venture requires four levers: labor, capital, software, and media. We aim to provide these levers as a platform for businesses and brands to thrive digitally, using the formula: educate, enterprise, and employ.

Toby Chidi Ubaezuonu

Founder and CEO

I joined Navato from November 2023 and I’m impressed by the team’s depth, speed, and spirit. We’re focused on long-term progress, not just financial gain. Our goals are achievable with our competent team.

Chidubem Nwora

Hardware specialist

To achieve success, we must resist the urge to take shortcuts and instead tackle obstacles head-on. As a team, we are committed to our long-term vision of positively impacting the lives of young people through technology.


Software Developer

Our News

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

22 Jan 2024

We want you to be completely happy with our product, which is why we give you the option to try it out before you commit to a paid plan.

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

22 Jan 2024

We want you to be completely happy with our product, which is why we give you the option to try it out before you commit to a paid plan.

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

22 Jan 2024

We want you to be completely happy with our product, which is why we give you the option to try it out before you commit to a paid plan.

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

Navato has Launched Seed-funding Rounds

22 Jan 2024

We want you to be completely happy with our product, which is why we give you the option to try it out before you commit to a paid plan.

All rights reserved. Navato Technology © 2024